How Often Do You Celebrate Your New Money Habits Or Wins?

Abundance Blog - How Often Do You Celebrate Your New Money Habits Or Wins

How often do you celebrate your new money habits or wins in your business/personal life?

I have mini celebrations daily, encouraging my clients to do the same.  Celebrate every time you complete a new micro-habit that you are trying to install, such as checking your bank account daily, transferring money to your savings account, or repaying your debt.

Celebrating & Gratitude

Celebrating is a surefire way to ignite the gratitude and high energy needed to implement new habits quickly. You can then forget about repeating something for thirty days to make it a habit; a celebration creates a shortcut.  Instead, let your mind know that you value and cherish this new habit (and micro habits are the easiest!). Your mind will soon adopt the habit as something great to do.

And, of course, celebrate the wins, however small. Celebrate a new client, launch a new product or service, and have money flowing to you (from whatever source). Perhaps you have hit your savings target for the month? Or repaid a credit card balance?

How Do You Celebrate New Habits?

BUT what do I mean by celebration?  It’s entirely up to you.  The one thing this celebration is not is a reward.  It’s not about allowing yourself to go for a coffee or booking a spa day.  While these celebrations need to spark joy within you, you need to be able to do them instantaneously, as soon as the habit is completed or you have discovered your 'win'.

I often dance around my office to an eighties pop tune. It takes me back to the happy times of my teens. The fun, joy, and gratitude flow instantly, and in that instant, your mind can connect this reaction to the action you have just taken.

Create your new celebration habits now, so you are ready to celebrate when you next work on creating a new habit or have your next money win.


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