3 Examples of Life Strategies

Blog - Strategic Life - 3 Examples of Life Strategies

When it comes to creating strategies for your life, it can be challenging to know where to begin or even how you can design a strategy to improve your life. To help you get started, below are three examples of life strategies that can change your life.

1. Save Money

This is probably the most common strategy people will employ in their lives, especially when saving for something big. When you apply the save money strategy, you will always look for ways to save money. For example, you'll cook dinner instead of going out, clip coupons before you grocery shop, and pass on that one item you want to buy but don't need at this moment.

2. Save Time

The save time and save money strategies are closely related but sometimes can interfere with each other. When you approach life with the save time strategy, you will make decisions and do things based on saving time. This strategy often starts with you making a list of essential items for you in life. Then you focus on discontinuing the activities that aren't important and that waste your time. Then, when you are approached with a task, such as grocery shopping, you will decide if it is worth your time to go or better to outsource this activity to someone else.

3. Repeating Mantras

This strategy mainly applies to self-care, but it is a strategy that will help you deal with multiple issues in your life. For example, when using this strategy, when faced with something that upsets you or makes you feel a strong emotion like anger, instead of lashing out, you will repeat a mantra to yourself to calm down. The same goes when you have negative thoughts about the past, the future, or yourself. Either way, you will use a mantra to stop thinking that particular thought and steer your thinking in a more positive direction. This technique helps keep you on track toward your goals.

Overall, a life strategy can be almost anything you want, but some of the best and most common life strategies are saving money, saving time, and repeating mantras. If you decide to employ any of these strategies in your life, you may be amazed at the decisions you can eliminate and how you can transform your life into what you want it to be.


These examples are just the beginning. A life strategy can be tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Start implementing these strategies today and witness the profound impact they can have on your life. Ready to dive deeper into strategic living? Explore our self-coaching guide at the Mindset Bookstore for comprehensive guidance and unlock your full potential.


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