Exhale the Fear: Overcoming Money-Related Anxiety

Moneyology Blog - Chapter 8 - Blog 1

Based on the concepts discussed in Chapter 8 of Moneyology


Fear is a powerful emotion that can grip us in unwarranted or inappropriate ways. Even though the feelings it generates inside us are often unpleasant, they are a wake-up call that we have issues we need to address. When it comes to wealth and money, this fear can be very intense. Some people can even fear money itself, a condition known as Chrometophobia or Chremtophobia.

Financial Anxiety

But even without this intense fear, many of us still experience anxiety related to our finances. We fear that we won't get the wealth we desire, won't live the life of our dreams, and won't achieve financial freedom or success in our business or career. The fear extends beyond money-related matters, creating a pattern that keeps us stuck in jobs, relationships, and situations that don't support our highest good and future wealthy selves.

This fear dominates us, even when we aren't aware of its presence. To make matters worse, it often becomes the prime motivator for our financial decision-making. It's, therefore, imperative that we learn to become aware of fear and start to heal the root cause of it.

Sometimes we succumb to fear, and if we do, we must forgive ourselves. It's perfectly natural for fear to become so intense that it temporarily paralyzes us. This has happened to many great people, including the English actor Stephen Fry, who disappeared during a West End run of a play due to stage fright. Despite being their preferred profession, stage fright is quite common among actors. They learn to embrace this fear, but sometimes, despite this, it gets the better of them.

When it comes to money, we can learn to deal with it emotionally and practically, but fear can still get a grip on our financial decision-making. Stephen Fry is still a great actor and is still hired for roles; it would be a shame if he never acted again because of one instance where fear took control. Yet when it comes to our wealth, many of us let fear take control and paralyze us. We can acknowledge that this may happen occasionally, but we have the choice not to let this paralysis be for life.

When we recognize we are acting in fear, we can acknowledge this perceived disconnection and choose to live another way where we embrace the fear and use it to propel us to more incredible things. Our behaviours shift from being motivated by fear to being inspired by love. We still may have moments of fear, but its power over us lessens as we continue down the path.

So, how can we start to embrace fear? Here are a few suggestions:

Taking Risks

Taking risks is essential to creating wealth, and it can be challenging to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. However, it's important to remember that calculated risks often yield significant financial rewards. By accepting that we may need to take risks when making financial decisions, we open ourselves up to new opportunities that may not have been possible if we let fear hold us back. It's essential to understand that not all risks pay off, but it's through taking risks that we learn and grow as individuals. The key is approaching risks with a clear and rational mindset, evaluating potential outcomes and weighing the pros and cons. Don't let fear paralyze you and prevent you from pursuing opportunities that could lead to financial success. Remember, without risk, there can be no reward.

Deal With Procrastination

Procrastination and lethargy can often hold us back from achieving our financial goals. While money may not be our primary motivator, it's essential to recognize that financial matters are a crucial part of life that needs to be addressed. Understandably, dealing with finances can be overwhelming and tedious, especially if it's not your area of interest. However, avoiding financial responsibilities can lead to missed opportunities and financial hardship.

To overcome procrastination and lethargy, it's helpful to start by creating a plan or a budget. This can help you stay organized and make financial decisions that align with your goals. Then, set aside specific times to review your finances, pay bills, and check your investments. You can also automate some of these tasks, such as setting up automatic bill payments, to reduce the burden of managing finances.

Staying motivated and reminding yourself of your financial goals is also essential. What are your long-term financial aspirations? Do you want to retire comfortably, buy a home, or start a business? By keeping your goals in mind, you can stay focused and committed to taking the necessary steps to achieve them.

Talk About Money

When it comes to money, many people feel uncomfortable discussing it with others. However, keeping our financial struggles and successes a secret can create a sense of shame and isolation, which can compound our money-related anxieties. One way to overcome this is to start talking about money openly and honestly with those closest to us. This can include our coaches and mentors, as well as our partner and family members.

Having these conversations can be challenging at first, but it can help us to develop a healthier relationship with money. Discussing our financial goals, challenges, and strategies allows us to learn from others' experiences, gain new perspectives, and receive valuable advice. Additionally, discussing money can help us to hold ourselves accountable for our financial decisions and to recognize that we are not alone in our financial struggles.

It's important to remember that these conversations should take place in a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. We can start by setting clear boundaries and expectations for the conversation, such as avoiding judgment or criticism and focusing on solutions and support. Then, with time and practice, we can become more comfortable talking about money and build stronger connections with those around us.

Understand Your Current Financial Position

Avoiding the truth about your current financial position can lead to long-term consequences that can be difficult to recover from. It's important to take the time to review your finances and know exactly where you stand. This includes looking at your income, expenses, debts, and assets. Once you have a clear understanding of your financial situation, you can start making informed decisions about improving it.

It's important to remember that facing the truth about your finances can be complicated. You may discover that you're in a more challenging position than you thought or need to make significant changes to your lifestyle to achieve your financial goals. However, avoiding the truth will only worsen things in the long run.

Start by creating a budget and tracking your expenses. This will give you a clear picture of where your money is going and help you identify areas where you can cut back. Next, consider working with a financial coach or mentor who can help you create a comprehensive financial plan and offer guidance.

By taking the time to understand your financial position and seeking guidance when needed, you can start to take control of your finances and create a brighter financial future.


In conclusion, fear is a powerful natural emotion that can keep us stuck in limiting beliefs and patterns. When it comes to wealth and money, fear can be particularly intense and become the prime motivator for our financial decision-making. It is, therefore, essential to become aware of fear and start to heal its root cause to overcome its paralyzing effects.

By embracing fear and using it to propel us to more extraordinary things, we can shift our behaviours from being motivated by fear to being inspired by love. For example, we can start to take risks, address our financial matters, become more open about money, and stop avoiding the truth about our current financial position.

Remember, fear may still surface occasionally, but its power over us lessens as we continue to walk the path of financial empowerment. So it's time to exhale the fear and embrace a new financial future filled with abundance and joy.


If you found the ideas in this blog post insightful and thought-provoking, you'll love my book, Moneyology. In this book, I explore the strategies and techniques to overcome financial anxiety and create a positive relationship with money. You'll learn how to break free from limiting beliefs and behaviours, embrace abundance, and take control of your financial future. You can purchase the book directly from my website, Amazon, and other online retailers. So don't wait any longer to start your journey towards financial freedom and a life of abundance - grab your copy of Moneyology today!


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