Visualization to Release Your Money Blocks

Abundance Blog - Visualization to Release Your Money Blocks

Money blocks are the mischievous mind monkeys of living an abundant life. In simple terms: money blocks are negative beliefs about wealth and money that have been buried deep in your unconscious mind, often, they have been there since early childhood. 

If you allow them to, they can spoil things for you. Alternatively, you can take a good look at them, see them for what they are, and let them go.

Before you can diminish the impact of your money blocks, you must discover precisely what these beliefs are. To do this, set aside some time alone, with no disturbances, and do this simple visualization exercise.

Visualization Exercise (part 1):

Take a few deep breaths to settle your mind, then when you are ready, close your eyes if you prefer, and think about money. 

Observe what happens to you both physically and emotionally as you do this. Just scan your body to see where you 'feel' the thoughts about money.  

Are you comfortable and relaxed, or do you feel tense and anxious? 

Do you get an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach or a lump in your throat? 

Do your thoughts go straight to your unpaid bills, your maxed-out credit cards, or your small or non-existent savings? 

Take your time to experience these feelings and thoughts. Then when you are ready, consciously relax and let your mind come back to neutral as you take three deep breaths.

The next step is to ask yourself what messages you got about money and wealth. These might be things like, "You have to work hard for the money" which you repeatedly heard when you were a child. 

Some common beliefs are:

  • I'm no good with money
  • Money doesn't grow on trees 
  • I'll never be able to get ahead
  • I'm not smart enough to be rich
  • I'll never be able to retire 
  • I'll never be a success
  • Rich people are greedy
  • There is never enough money

Visualization Exercise (part 2 - release your money blocks):

Once you've discovered the messages you received, think of whose voice you heard saying them. Who was it who first gave you these ideas? This person is usually an adult who had a significant impact in your life, like a parent, grandparent or teacher.

Whoever it was, know that their intention wasn't to place blocks in your path; instead, they were trying to teach you valuable lessons to keep you protected. 

Take each message in turn, and envision the person who told you that message and says thank you to them for their loving guidance. And then release the message in whatever way feels right. 

One way to do this is could be to place the limiting belief in a balloon and let it go, rising higher and higher until you can no longer see it. You were initially tied to the balloon via a piece of elastic, and as the balloon gets higher and higher, there comes the point where the elastic snaps, representing the break in the link to your old belief.

Next Steps

Now that you've exposed your money blocks and released them, you can replace them with positive, energetic affirmations that open you up and allow money to flow. Repeat these affirmations daily to help implant them into your mind more quickly. You are now on your way to a much brighter financial future!

To find out more about using visualization to manifest your ideal life, then check out more Inner Vision ebook bundle


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