Mastering Your Mindset for a Successful Business

Do you want to succeed in your business but, despite working hard, are unsure of the key to getting there?

Well, the answer is quite simple. It's your mindset - your attitude, beliefs and habits.

Two equally qualified entrepreneurs with similarly unique products or services can have wildly different levels of success -the deciding factor is whether or not they have a positive or negative mindset concerning the money and success they are looking for.

People with negative attitudes usually see why something cannot be achieved, and they are self-limiting when it comes to success. On the other hand, people with positive mindsets see the problems in a task. They then look for ways to work around or through the problem to develop a solution.

Mindset matters because the right mindset allows you to tap into your potential for success. We all have this potential, but not everyone reaches for it. Those who do will experience personal and professional growth.

Have a Clear Focus in Mind for Your Goals

If you ask people what they want, many simply say they want to succeed. But if you ask them how they plan to achieve this success, they won't have actionable goals.

You won't reach those goals if you have random milestones that are too broad. So, for example, if you have a bunch of goals like wanting to be successful financially, wanting your business to grow, wanting to be able to level up in your business, those goals are so broad, so all over the place, that you won't be able to reach them.

Goals need to be broken down into actionable steps. They can't be so broad that they're one-size-fits-all. Those types of goals don't give you a road map. Instead, they are just contributing to your confusion and overwhelm.

If you say you want to make an extra £100,000 this year, that's okay - but what steps will you take to get there? You don't make £100k overnight. You make it by taking the smaller steps leading to that goal.

You need to define these smaller steps that feed into your larger goal. So, instead of making more money overall, set a goal for how much money you need to make each week, or even each day, to meet that ultimate goal.

If you want to make an extra £100K, you need to earn about £8,333 a month. Break that down by how much you would need to earn in a week: about £1,923 or £275 a day.

That's what you focus on because when you make that £275 a day, it feeds into the weekly goal, which feeds into the ultimate goal. And it's not so overwhelming.

If you have income streams right now that aren't moving you toward your goal, you have to come up with a way to increase that income.

  • You can offer an information eBook;
  • You can set up paid masterclasses or workshops; or
  • Start a members only forum.

What you can't do is sit down and think about your goal, plan it and then do nothing to move toward it. But yes, some people do this!

Wishful thinking or hoping doesn't lead to changes or results. Instead, when you set actionable goals, it allows you to have a clear focus and helps you have the mindset to reach them.

It would help if you had deliberate goals to have a sense of direction. It allows you to lead your life rather than to be led. Plus, when you have actionable goals, it lets you keep track of your success.

If you know that you have to make £275 a day and one day you make twice that, then you're ahead of the week's goal. And that will help if you have a shortcoming on another day.

You need first to determine what it is that you want. You can't set goals until you know what you want. Then, these goals should matter or mean something to you.

The most successful people have an underlying motivation to their goals. Of course, they want to be successful, but many of them have a "because" in there. Such as "I want to be successful because I want to be able to spend more time with my family."

Some people have an underlying motivation to succeed because they know what it's like to struggle, and they don't want to live the rest of their lives that way.

No matter how motivated your goals should be narrowed down to specifics. Decide on precisely what you want. Then, break these items down to keep track of the goals in smaller, actionable steps. It would be best if you had these goals outlined with a way to track them.

  • Use deadlines for yourself. If you know, you want to make that £8,333 in a month, this allows you to break down when you know you have to have a product ready - or take a step to get something out that will work toward bringing in that money.
  • These goals should be within your reach. For example, if one of your goals is to make a billion pounds/dollars in a year, the odds are really high, so that's not achievable. So don't set yourself up to fail right out of the gate with a goal you won't be able to accomplish because it's unrealistic.
  • When you create your goals, make sure that your mindset is positive. Don't set self-defeating goals. An example of this would be a positive goal of "increase mailing list by 25%" rather than a goal that has a negative spin, such as "find a way to make up for subscribers who are unsubscribing."

Once you've created the goals that will move you in the direction you want to go, you'll want to reinforce them. Look over them once a day. Put them in front of you to remind yourself that even if you don't see massive changes overnight, they are happening as you reach these actionable goals.

Isolate Yourself from Negativity

You might have heard how negativity is bad when having the right mindset for success. It's true. Negativity is one of the biggest things that can derail any attempt at success.

Negativity can keep you stuck, holding you back from obtaining goals and changing any part of your life because negativity wipes out motivation.

Feeling motivated about anything is hard when your head is full of negative messages. So what happens is that you're fired up, ready to charge ahead with reaching success, when along comes someone who says that you don't have the talent, the knowledge, the money, the support or the courage to make it happen.

Before you know it, that negativity has seeped into your inner mind, and you find that self-doubt is multiplying. You begin to believe these negative thoughts are correct. - You don't have the talent. You don't have the knowledge, and the next thing you know, you're not even trying to move forward anymore. When negativity destroys your motivation, it also destroys your confidence.

It's not a matter of whether or not you will encounter this negative response, but when. Because many people have a negative outlook, and they spread that negativity.

It's second nature to them, but it doesn't have to be accepted by you. You can reject their negativity. Who's destructive in your life? First, it's usually always going to be family.

Under the well-meaning guise of trying to be helpful and not wanting to see you get hurt or fail, they're going to try to persuade you that what you're trying to do can't be done.

Next, it will be your friends. Many of your friends probably have their lives already mapped out through to their retirement years, and you can bet it doesn't involve stepping out and running their own business.

Friends often play it safe, so they want you to do the same. Being an entrepreneur indeed means there will be some risk. There will be long hours. There will be trial and error.

But that's not a bad thing. It's just part of the process, and you can't let friends influence you to give up. You'll find on your entrepreneurial journey that there are even some fellow business owners who are negative.

These people whine about how difficult it is. They point out the pitfalls, they talk about the downside, and it seems like they do nothing but discourage others and themselves.

They're almost constantly griping about stuff and comparing themselves and you to success stories. They'll even point out how they and you will never reach that same level of success.

If you want to succeed, you have to isolate yourself from negativity. Eventually, you will start to believe this negative feedback if you don't. As a result, your motivation will either suffer or disappear altogether and finally, you'll give up.

Being around positive people will be a support team for you and help keep your motivation high as you build your business.

Learn How to Motivate Yourself with Affirmations

We all have motivation with specific tasks, but it's not always a given. The truth is that many of us can have our motivation wane. When motivation dwindles, it can be challenging to push yourself to do anything, much less have the desire to strive for success.

Motivation goes hand in hand with achieving success, but you can't always expect this motivation to come from outside sources, and you shouldn't rely on that anyway.

Outside sources, such as a friend who cheers you onward and helps you feel inspired, might not motivate you the next time. What gave you a burst of incentive one day might not be available the next, and that's why it's so crucial that you learn how to encourage yourself.

When you feel motivated, you'll be able to find the willpower to keep on reaching for your goals. And when it's within you, you can tap into a well of enthusiasm that will keep you going regardless of what you come up against.

The key to self-motivation is to find an affirmation (mantra) that you can use. Affirmations are words or phrases that you can repeat to yourself. What these affirmations can do is they can help you keep a confident outlook.

Your mindset will focus on the positives, which will help your motivation. However, we're not geared toward the positive in our unconscious minds. We're not automatically geared toward success.

The brain and the body both want the path of least resistance because it's a survival technique. So we walk away from what we view as mentally or physically difficult or frightening, especially if it makes us feel stressed.

As an entrepreneur, your unconscious mind is one of your best tools for success. But if your unconscious fixates on the negative or what hasn't worked for you in the past, this can be a stumbling block.

Fortunately, you can train your unconscious mind to think differently, to have a successful mindset - and the way to do that is with mantras. Moreover, by using mantras, you'll also feel better emotionally.

What you have to do is to pick an affirmation that's geared specifically toward success. Success affirmations help you be mindful of the positives in your life every day and help create a mindset of gratitude.

Spend Time Reading the Best Success Mindset Books

Your mindset can change your life. It can give you the success that you crave by helping you stay motivated to reach your goals. Sometimes, though, if you're stuck in a rut of always thinking a certain way, known as having a fixed mindset, you can struggle to overcome that.

There are tools that you can use to reach the right mindset. These are also tools you can use to help you maintain your motivation. These tools are books that focus on having the right mindset for success.

They cover problem areas and show you how you can overcome things. Of course, you don't have to devour the books in one sitting, but you can digest a little of the information each day, and you'll soon notice a difference.

One of these books is Time Warrior: How to Defeat Procrastination, People-Pleasing, Self-Doubt, Over-Commitment, Broken Promises and Chaos by Steve Chandler. This book can help you find motivation by showing you how to push past the fear and self-doubt that strikes many entrepreneurs. It covers helpful things like how you can handle life when you're overwhelmed and how to succeed with your goals. He also covers how you can live in the moment and take action. There's a part that talks about failure and why it's not necessarily bad. You'll learn to see problems in a new light and overcome the things that prevent most people from succeeding.

Another book you'll find helpful is E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout. This book covers nine experiments you can use to help shake yourself out of misinformed thinking. This helps free the unconscious from rigid thinking that prevents motivation and success from occurring.

There's also The Power of Story: Change Your Story, Change Your Destiny in Business and in Life by Jim Loehr. in the book, the author covers our assumptions about ourselves and how these assumptions are essentially our story. But when the story you tell about yourself to yourself is faulty, it can affect your mindset and success.

The book touches on the pessimist and the optimist mindset and how the little voice inside your head can influence your life. He teaches how to retrain your way of thinking to write your story with a successful slant.

And if you want to upgrade your financial success, check out my book - Moneyology. Moneyology will show you how to start earning money and creating your life of financial freedom with grace and ease. This book will give you the inspiration you need to turn your money around and achieve financial freedom.

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