30-Day Money Detox

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30-Day Money Detox | Lay The Foundations To Build Your Debt-Free Life 

What happens when your relationship with money becomes toxic? Your spending quickly gets out of control, your income never feels like it’s going to grow, and your debts feel like they’re mounting by the day. Know the feeling? You need to detoxify your relationship with money. By taking action and stepping forward, you’re the one who will be able to build the healthy, happy relationship with money no one else ever thought possible. When it’s time to live the life you deserve, you really can build the right foundation in as little as 30 days.

  • Make a promise to yourself to change and then follow the step-by-step guidance
  • Understand what it means to commit to paying off your debts and growing savings
  • Learn new ways of looking at money and have more of it than you ever thought possible
  • Change your outlook by seeing clear progress day after day until you are 100% free

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30-Day Money Detox

30-Day money detox: stop bad money habits, replace them with good ones and improve your money confidence.

Daily video with the task of the day to help you get to grips with your money situation. Includes workbooks, eBooks.

GBP 47
Total due GBP 47

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